You're probably here because you saw this on a Discord server or something. Maybe a friend showed it to you, or maybe you found it some other way. Whatever the case, you have stumbled apon a "ChooseYourOwnAdventure" type game inspired by BONES, TeamSESH, and the general TeamSESH community.
At any time, if you are stuck or confused or just need a nudge in the right direction, you can use our (text-colour:red)[[PaidProgrammingHelpLine]] to gain a bit of insight.
Options that lead you to another page will be colored //(text-colour:blue)[[blue|Secret1]]//
Hitting the Undo Button will reset your progress to the last choice you made. Only hit this button when intentionally traveling to a previous choice, after checking your inventory, or after checking PaidProgrammingHelpLine.
To continue playing, lets start by choosing a storyline.
[[Check Inventory|Inventory]]There is only static.You wake up, and your eyes are seemingly glued shut from being closed for so long. You can't remember anything, and have no idea where you are. Is this a dream?
[[Try to remember|No Memories]]
[[Rub off your eyes and try to open them | The Radiator Room]]
[[Check Inventory|Inventory]]COMING SOONCOMING SOONInventory:
(if: $HasSkeletonKey is true)[
(if: $HasMonocle is true)[
Monocle](set: $HasSkeletonKey to true)
You are suddenly in a room with mossy cobblestone walls. You get the feeling you aren't supposed to be here. There is a SkeletonKey on the floor.
[[Pick Up SkeletonKey|Beginning]]You try as hard as you can to remember anything. Nothing comes to mind.
[[Rub off your eyes and try to open them | The Radiator Room]]
[[Check Inventory|Inventory]]You are in an abandoned hotel room, in a seemingly abandoned town, in a possibly abandoned world. In the room with you is a small table with black mold eating away at one of the corners, two chairs facing back to back next to the table, and a rusty, dark grey, steel radiator. You get an //(text-colour:purple)[Uneasy Feeling]//.
[[Look closer at the radiator|Radiator]]
[[Investigate table and chairs|Table]]
[[Look out the window | Window]]
[[Exit Room | Hotel]]
[[Check Inventory|Inventory]]
(text-colour:red)[[[PaidProgrammingHelpLine|PPHLRadiatorRoom]] ]You look more closely at the radiator. It doesn't radiate heat, only an //(text-colour:purple)[Uneasy Feeling]//.
(if: $HasMonocle is true)[
[[Use Monocle | Radiator Monocle]]
(if: $HasSkeletonKey is true)[
[[Insert SkeletonKey | SkeletonKey in Radiator]]
[[Walk away from the radiator | The Radiator Room]]
[[Check Inventory|Inventory]]You walk over to the table. You can smell the mold. It gives you an //(text-colour:purple)[Uneasy Feeling]//.
You trace your hand along the table and find a hidden button. The button gives you an even stronger //(text-colour:purple)[Uneasy Feeling]//.
[[Press the button | Secret Table Drawer]]
[[Walk away from the table | The Radiator Room]]
[[Check Inventory|Inventory]]A secret compartment pops open from the side of the table. Luckily, its is the side furthest from the black mold.
(if: $TableSearched is true)[
You already looked here. Nothing seems to have changed.
There is a monocle inside the compartment. While looking through it, nothing seems to change at all. You put it in your pocket.
(set: $TableSearched to true)
(set: $HasMonocle to true)
[[Walk away from the table | The Radiator Room]]
[[Check Inventory|Inventory]]You look outside and see nobody. Strange.
(if: $HasMonocle is true)[
[[Use Monocle | Window Monocle]]
[[Walk away from the window | The Radiator Room]]
[[Check Inventory|Inventory]]You press the monocle to your face and look out the window.
(if: $ItemsFound is 3)[
You see nothing unusual.]
You see bright purple lights shining back at you. you feel an //(text-colour:purple)[Uneasy Feeling]//.
(set: $WindowChecked to true)
[[Walk away from window | The Radiator Room]]
[[Check Inventory|Inventory]](if: $WindowChecked is true)+(if: $RadiatorChecked is true)[
[[Return to main menu |Beginning]]
There is still more to do!
[[Return to the Radiator Room | The Radiator Room]]
]You look at the radiator through the monocle.
(if: $ItemsFound is 3)[
You see nothing unusual.]
You see bright purple lights shining back at you. you feel an //(text-colour:purple)[Uneasy Feeling]//.
(set: $RadiatorChecked to true)
[[Put the Monocle Away |Radiator]]You here a strange click. Nothing happens.
(set: $HasSkeletonKey to false)
(set: $KeyInRadiator to true)
[[Remove the SkeletonKey]]
[[Go back to looking at the radiator |Radiator]]You try to remove the SkeletonKey, but it seems to be stuck.
[[Go back to looking at the radiator |Radiator]]Once you get the monocle, try checking out the radiator and the window.